Makeup Tips for Beginners in Nigeria

Do you want to start applying makeup but you don’t know where to start? Oh, do not worry, this has happened to all of us, every once in a while!

So if you are a beginner to makeup in Nigeria, you might feel a bit lost given the variety of products and procedures available. 

But I assure you, with a few tips and tricks you can fix that face and start rocking the perfect skin.

First things first – forget about those boring YouTube videos with 20 different products.  And when one is starting, it is sometimes much better to get as little as possible so that everything will be simpler. 

I will discuss those simple things that will make you gorgeous without spending too much money or taking too much time in front of the mirror.


Below are Makeup Tips for Beginners

Looking for how to start doing makeup even as a newbie? Then we have you covered here.


Understanding Your Skin Type

I believe it is important to know your skin type before applying makeup. This is the first tip I want to give you.

Does your face look greasy and are you prone to getting acne on your skin? Perhaps you may have oily skin. Do you have dry skin or is it rough and appears to be pulled tight? 

That’s likely dry skin. Possibly you have a combination of both? Congrats, you are now officially part of the “I don’t know whether to label my skin as oily or dry club. ”

There is always something unique about your skin and knowing this is very important so that you can know what type of skin or product you should use. 

For example, if the skin is oily, one should choose oil-free products. If your skin is dry then opt for the moisturizer and creamy finishes of the products. 

Combination skin? Sometimes you can find yourself using different products for different parts of your face.

Well, what about the weather? Another feature that can alter how makeup sits on the skin is weather, considering that Nigeria’s climate can be extremely hot and humid. 

However, it is better to use less thick products that will not melt on the face during hot weather.


Essential Tools for Your Makeup Kit

You do not need a million brushes to get started on makeup. Here are the basics:

Foundation brush or sponge

Powder brush

Eyeshadow brush

Eyeliner brush (if you’re using gel liner).

Lip brush (can be helpful in precise application but is not necessary)

If you can afford to get good quality ones, do so because using them makes application easier and is also durable. 

However, if you are constrained by your budget, do not despair since there are so many cheap brands that are effective as well.


Choosing the Right Foundation

Selecting the right type of foundation is always puzzling for dark-skinned people. This is a common concern for a lot of Nigerian women due to the lack of variety, especially in brands from other countries. 

It is wise to give preference to brands that have products that are suitable for all the shades of our skin such as House of Tara or Zaron Cosmetics.

When testing foundation, use a little of it on your jawline and smoothly swipe it to the area of your neck. The right color should blend perfectly well with your skin such that you don’t see it.

The next consideration is the skin type, to which the chosen formula should be adapted. Thus, if you have oily skin, using a powder foundation will be ideal for you. 

If you are dealing with dry skin then it is wise to go for a liquid or cream foundation that has moisturizing properties.


Perfecting Your Base

Make sure your face is clean and the skin is well moisturized before beginning the process. If you have oily skin, do not apply a heavy moisturizing base on your skin. If your skin is dry, then it is ideal to use a much thicker product.

If you want to achieve a smooth finish you must ensure that you use a brush or a sponge. Never forget to set the neck area lest you end up with that unattractive baseline!

Start with dusting talcum powder all over your face and on areas that are more prone to becoming oily such as the forehead and nose.


Enhancing Your Eyes

The eyes are known as your windows, so why not make them even brighter?

Eyeliner is one of the easiest yet highly significant makeup products in the market. It orients your eyes in such a manner that they appear larger and more lively.

First, use an eyelash curler to lift the lashes slightly. Next, apply the eyeliner to your upper lashes. If you want more volume, you can apply a second layer on it.


Setting Your Look

If you want your makeup to stay put in Nigeria especially close to this dry season, then you need to set your look. A few will give you the look and freshness that you need during the day.

If it’s a hot day, wear blotting papers to soak up the oil and keep your face shine-free without messing up your make-up.


Finish with Lip Color

The final process is giving your lips some colors. There are some things to use and do that. Beginner lip products are lip glosses, clear or tinted lip moisturizers, and sheer lipsticks because they do not require a lip brush and they provide the newest look. If you want to go a bit further, try choosing a deeper lipstick.


Practice Makes Perfect

Simply like any other activity, putting on makeup requires practice. Do not be discouraged in case your first tries don’t work out. 

As time goes on, you will start to trust yourself and your abilities more and more. Do not be afraid to try new styles and, of course, enjoy the process.


Makeup Don’ts for Beginners

It is natural to make mistakes especially when you are doing something for the first time. Here are a few typical mistakes that should be avoided:

Don’t skip skincare. The key to good makeup is healthy skin.

Don’t overdo with the foundation as well as with other makeup products. You want to build upon what you already have, not cover it up.

Do not use old or expired products. They can even irritate the skin or lead to acne problems.

Do not touch your face with your hands at least for the whole day. It transfers oils and bacteria, destroying your makeup.

That’s it! I hope they have learned something they did wrong while putting on makeup.



And that is it – the beginner’s guide to makeup in Nigeria.

Always remember, that putting on makeup is something that should not cause you a lot of stress. So while I recommend you try all of these tips, use trial and error, and find the approach that is most effective for you. Soon, you’ll be giving your friends makeup tips on your own!


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